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Old Dec 08, 2005, 07:14 PM // 19:14   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default New Players are not welcome to GW in PVE or PVP

I've had this game since release day and I still like this game a lot. However I just notice that the new players zones like Pre Searing and Ascalon City with a noticeable decreasing number of districts

PVE folks
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
Require more skills to play the game which is only good for us vet
New skill cost like 1000 golds

PVP folks
Most groups require a player to show his or her rannk before the invitation to the team.
Rank 3 is minimum requirement but they prefer rank 6 and above

Due to this GW populations will not increase and Anet will have less support ..and you know what I meant

For the sake of GW future, vets please help new players if you can
Hopefully Anet will do it part for the next upgrade (chapter two)
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 07:19 PM // 19:19   #2
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Originally Posted by Tanhinh
PVE folks
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
Require more skills to play the game which is only good for us vet
New skill cost like 1000 golds
1. Absolutely incorrect. If anything, the introduction of the greens made excellent gold weapons EXTREMELY affordable to new players. For instance, it is very easy to get a max damage axe with a low requirement and a 13>50 damage mod for a little over 1K. Before, those weapons would command 15K or higher. Most characters fresh out of presearing can afford that, especially if they've found a few dyes.

2. No, the skill level is exactly the same...if not easier, given the improvements to henchmen AI.

3. Only if you BUY all your skills. New players are supposed to do as many quests as possible, which gives you almost all the skills you need for free.

Overall, I think the only bad thing about new players getting into PvE is the lack of groups available, due to the diminishing numbers of new players. But henchmen do just fine in their stead.
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 07:39 PM // 19:39   #3
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Originally Posted by Jetdoc
3. Only if you BUY all your skills. New players are supposed to do as many quests as possible, which gives you almost all the skills you need for free.
Skills still cost WAY too much. Bad enough that you need the skill points( which I have run completely out of) but you also need money. Yes, you can get many skills free, but there are MANY more that you can't. The cost of skills is absurd, particularly if you have player a character through and decide you want a new secondary. It just gets stupid - there are only a small number of free skills for your new secondary, so even picking up 10-15 skills is a bucket of cash to a casula player - I'm not rich, I don't farm, so my balance is not enough to afford getting a new secondary for all my toons. I can't afford 15k armour (well, I could, but I'd be strapped after) and I don't do running - I enjoy playing the game - some PvP, some PvE, trying new things - and the price is too high for someone like me to comfortably change secondaries and explore a new type of play.

I'm fine with not buying 15k armour, not having fissure - I don't really need those, they're for guys who care to farm and make money - I like playing, not grinding. I do want to try the skills out though, and I think that ANet needs to make it more accessible for a PvE character to take on new secondaries. If they don't want you getting cheap+easy PvP unlocks, have a dual cost system - a skill is expensive at a trainer if you need the unlock (1k)- if the skill is unlocked on your account is it a nominal fee (50-100 gold?)
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 07:44 PM // 19:44   #4
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Originally Posted by Tanhinh
PVE folks
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
Require more skills to play the game which is only good for us vet
New skill cost like 1000 golds
Nope. The cost of skills is an issue for people changing secondary, not for people playing the game through for the first time. And even for the people changing secondary skill-points are in shorter supply than gold.
Due to this GW populations will not increase and Anet will have less support ..and you know what I meant
Also, I've just played another char through the low-level areas, and they're not empty (or unfriendly to newbies).
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:18 PM // 20:18   #5
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yeah, skills start out at like 100g, not 1k. They just cost more each time you buy one to encourage people to go out and quest for skills instead of just dropping a coin for it.
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:24 PM // 20:24   #6
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2. No, the skill level is exactly the same...if not easier, given the improvements to henchmen AI.
What crack are you smoking? Henchmen AI lose at life. While the enemy AI runs away from aoe stuff, the henches like to stand in it and soak up as much damage as possible. They still love to stand in Maelstrom's and apparently can't get enough of the Hydra Meteorshower's.

Anet failed when they gave the enemy AI the ability to run and not the henches.
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:27 PM // 20:27   #7
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Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Skills still cost WAY too much. Bad enough that you need the skill points( which I have run completely out of) but you also need money. Yes, you can get many skills free, but there are MANY more that you can't. The cost of skills is absurd, particularly if you have player a character through and decide you want a new secondary. It just gets stupid - there are only a small number of free skills for your new secondary, so even picking up 10-15 skills is a bucket of cash to a casula player - I'm not rich, I don't farm, so my balance is not enough to afford getting a new secondary for all my toons. I can't afford 15k armour (well, I could, but I'd be strapped after) and I don't do running - I enjoy playing the game - some PvP, some PvE, trying new things - and the price is too high for someone like me to comfortably change secondaries and explore a new type of play.

I'm fine with not buying 15k armour, not having fissure - I don't really need those, they're for guys who care to farm and make money - I like playing, not grinding. I do want to try the skills out though, and I think that ANet needs to make it more accessible for a PvE character to take on new secondaries. If they don't want you getting cheap+easy PvP unlocks, have a dual cost system - a skill is expensive at a trainer if you need the unlock (1k)- if the skill is unlocked on your account is it a nominal fee (50-100 gold?)
If you're just interested in unlocking skills, you're better off just running another character through the story. Look at it this way, if you make 3 toons, a W/R, Me/N, and E/Mo (for example), you will get about 75% of all non-elite skills for free, or if not free, at least much cheaper than 1k per skill, and you don't have to worry about skill points. Much more efficient than farming, IMHO. If you're changing secondary, honestly, you don't need every skill unlocked, you'll probably just need like 5 skills and 3 elites from your new secondary if you know what type of build you want.

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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:52 PM // 20:52   #8
Ascalonian Squire
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I dont know what the first guy is on about with Pvp. I have got rank 0 and have not lost a pvp 4x4 game to date. ( i have 20000 faction) Newbies should always be welcome as all players have to start as them!!!
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:55 PM // 20:55   #9
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Ok ill respond to this in chunks:

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
I've had this game since release day and I still like this game a lot. However I just notice that the new players zones like Pre Searing and Ascalon City with a noticeable decreasing number of districts
on the contrary. having to rebuild my monk (sigh) ive noticed a lot of people online and the number od districts rising. there were 22 districts in ascalon city last night. i havent remembered them that high for almost 5 months.

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
PVE folks
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
Require more skills to play the game which is only good for us vet
New skill cost like 1000 golds
Gold is easy to learn if you know how to earn it, which is the key. selling materials to traders and such can yeild u more cash than just selling everything to the merchant. dyes can be found cheaply and everyone wants dyes. skills only cost 1k after you purchase 15 skills. before that they will slowly rise in price, but they used to not cap. i remember needing a couple skilsl for a pvp build and spending almost 2k each... also you dotn have to buy skilsl for your secondary. you knwo that there are people throughout the game that after u change your secondary, lets say to necro, like Keira Blackwood in Sardilac Sanitarium that will give u quests to earn skills. the onyl thing u need to buy is one or two occasional skills and cap sigs, that should be all.

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
PVP folks
Most groups require a player to show his or her rannk before the invitation to the team.
Rank 3 is minimum requirement but they prefer rank 6 and above
you can still get into many pugs under rank 3. granted your not gonan go in and hold halls for an hour, but many pugs do have some success. how do you think people got to r3 and up to begin with? yeah many people do want r6+ groups because all of your good pvp players and holders are like r9+ now and r3 i usually iway'd there and has no clue when it comes to different builds because they have never played them.

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
Due to this GW populations will not increase and Anet will have less support ..and you know what I meant

For the sake of GW future, vets please help new players if you can
Hopefully Anet will do it part for the next upgrade (chapter two)
On the contrary. anets's numbers are increasing although a lot of the "veteran" players of gw are leaving due to no replayability and they are bored with non stop pvp. There are some veteran groups out there that will take new pvp players and teach them, my guild has done so on quite a few occasions. and i know that i was new to gw pvp when they helped me. many other very high ranked and well known players do this. Many people think that pvp is a joke and basicalyl if you do want to pvp the only option u have until youre r3+ is iway and thats bs, it shouldnt be that way. go find a few friends that want to pvp with you. find a build. have everyone go into team arenas and learn to play that character. learn its stregnths and weaknesses and how ti compliments others. then when u feel you are ready, try out tombs. Every top build is always being modified and every top team is constantly refining their skills and builds, even running new ones as to further learn and throw off people that got used to them runnign a certian build.

trust me getting into pvp and even more so in pve is alot more simple than you are making it out to be, stop whining about it and find a solution to it that benefits others also, like the ones that i have listed.

Happy gaming
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 08:56 PM // 20:56   #10
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Originally Posted by Ac James
What crack are you smoking? Henchmen AI lose at life. While the enemy AI runs away from aoe stuff, the henches like to stand in it and soak up as much damage as possible. They still love to stand in Maelstrom's and apparently can't get enough of the Hydra Meteorshower's.

Anet failed when they gave the enemy AI the ability to run and not the henches.
In my experience that is one of the biggest errors Anet has made. Capping an elite skill in perdition rock as a non monk is way to hard because those henchies won't get out of the Meteorshowers
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 09:52 PM // 21:52   #11
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dunno about perdition rock, but I cleared every mob from the 3 fire island misisons with just henchmen. They aren't that bad if you know how to use them.
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 09:57 PM // 21:57   #12
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Originally Posted by Tanhinh
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
How do you figure that? Golds are in such abundance if its not perfect you cant sell them at all, unless you go to merchent. Four months ago you would finsh the storyline without even seeing a clean max damage weapon, yet alone a gold. I remember going though the fire island missions with a 6-25 quest reward bow and was glad to have it!

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
New skill cost like 1000 golds
Cheapest they ever been, before Sept 7th I was paying 1300 + gold for a skill.

Originally Posted by Tanhinh
PVP folks
Most groups require a player to show his or her rank before the invitation to the team.
Rank 3 is minimum requirement but they prefer rank 6 and above
Yep, thats true but look at the bright side. They fixed the Dragons Lair trick where they run to the portal and ditch the PvE toons. So thats one less humiliation to endure.
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 10:02 PM // 22:02   #13
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Originally Posted by Ac James
What crack are you smoking? Henchmen AI lose at life.
When the game originally started (way back when), henchmen were relatively worthless, seeing that they would attack randomly and there were many bugs in their armor and their use of skills.

These items have been improved substantially over the past several months. It can be argued, in some instances, that henchmen actually perform better as a group than many PUGs.

You are focusing on one aspect of henchmen AI...
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Old Dec 08, 2005, 11:29 PM // 23:29   #14
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price of skills and the rank system does hurt this game a lot with new players.

to get rank you need a party that can win. to get a good party you need rank. that is a broken system that makes the rich richer and poor poorer.

price of skills is insane now. the 1k cap was needed for those people that wanted to unlock every skill with 1 character. how many people do or want that? very few. by the time i hit LA my skills were 800g each. they need to have the gold increase like the old system using the 1k as a cap. no point in ruining the game for new players especially since this is a game of skills. not much of a game if i have to grind for gold just to get the skills.

yes you can do quest for your skills. that works for monk fine. for other classes the really good skill are only at vendors.
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 12:11 AM // 00:11   #15
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Originally Posted by twicky_kid
price of skills and the rank system does hurt this game a lot with new players.

to get rank you need a party that can win. to get a good party you need rank. that is a broken system that makes the rich richer and poor poorer.
Or this is a system that encourages players to join guilds and play among their peers. If the rank system was not implemented, no one would invite pickups at all. Too many people think its their given right to join any group they please, simply because "i beet t3h game, so i r l33t".

If you want to start out in Tombs (although I would suggest you find a GvG guild first in order to learn the basics), you should (and I've said too many times already) form a circle of friends to play with. With this group of people, if you wanted, you could form a guild to tomb and gvg with.

As for skills, I dunno about the rest of you folks, but I was paying 1800 gold? for a skill before they implemented a cap.
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 12:25 AM // 00:25   #16
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The problem is ALOT of the guilds that can actually win in Tombs require alot of fame too..

Its Really slow for a guy to get a guild that tombs casually - to get any fame - any guild that tombs are a living wouldnt accept the guy anyway because he has no rank - so they think he is useless.

Arenas and Tombs are set to two completely different standards. I can get 1000s of faction just casually playing CA awhile - theres alot of idiots - you WILL get into groups that take it a few rounds.
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 12:58 AM // 00:58   #17
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Originally Posted by Tanhinh
I've had this game since release day and I still like this game a lot. However I just notice that the new players zones like Pre Searing and Ascalon City with a noticeable decreasing number of districts

PVE folks
New players are discourage to play cuz golds are harder to earn now
Require more skills to play the game which is only good for us vet
New skill cost like 1000 golds

PVP folks
Most groups require a player to show his or her rannk before the invitation to the team.
Rank 3 is minimum requirement but they prefer rank 6 and above

Due to this GW populations will not increase and Anet will have less support ..and you know what I meant

For the sake of GW future, vets please help new players if you can
Hopefully Anet will do it part for the next upgrade (chapter two)
Shameless Plug for my thread for helping:

Check it out!

--The Shim
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 01:10 AM // 01:10   #18
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I agree with original poster, new players are gonna have a hard time in Guild Wars.

However, it seems logical that such is "the nature of the beast". Most people do not want a player who is likely to suck to be in his party (and sadly, most players do indeed suck). So given the choice, why would they, why should they, take a sucky player?

I agree that raising the skill cost to 1 plat was ludicrous. The devs had stated that over 90% of players have less than 20k (or something like that). Hence they should have realized that for most players, 1 plat is not a reasonable price for a skill.

As for PVP, it seems some of you want to take away the choice of good players to be able to weed out sucky players. That would not solve the problem, that would just create another one. All the good players would get fed up of being forced to group with sucky players, and the good players would stop playing.

In my view, the way to make PVP more friendly to new players is to have massive battles. Like instead of 8vs8 or 8vs8vs8, how about 100vs100. In situations like this, good players would help sway the balance of the fight, yet sucky players would also still be able to participate in the gameplay. Of course I have no idea of the technical limitations for them to do that, if any.

It also does not help that IWAY is the only build in the game that casual player PUGs have any chance of having even marginal success with. If the devs want casual players to play PVP, then they need to tweak the skills (or add new skills) so that there are more builds available that are capable of winning without complex massive planning and third party voicechat programs.
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 01:56 AM // 01:56   #19
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I'm lv 11 with my necro and have completed quests to kryta that give me skills and should I buy a skill, I'll be paying about 150g. Your first bought skill (for me anyway) cost me 50g and one skill point. As for less districts for new players, thats a lie. On any given day, a GW vet gets the same amount of districts a newbie gets.
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Old Dec 09, 2005, 02:25 AM // 02:25   #20
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PVP folks
Most groups require a player to show his or her rannk before the invitation to the team.
Rank 3 is minimum requirement but they prefer rank 6 and above
Join a guild.
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